Engelsk skriveverksted for vgs


Engelsk skriveverksted er et rent nettbasert tilbud. Verkstedet tar sikte på å gi elevene grundig veiledning og trening i skriftlig engelsk.


Velkommen til Engelsk skriveverksted!

Engelsk skriveverksted inneholder seks hovedseksjoner.

From the BASIC SKILLS section.
Remember that in some cases English uses a capital letter where Norwegian uses a small one. Which words would have a capital letter if we translated this sentence into English: En fin lørdag i juli traff vi en italiener som snakker engelsk som en amerikaner. Not sure? Then read on!

From the BASIC SKILLS section.
Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelt differently.

From the SENTENCES section.
Let us now look at how complex sentences can help us to kill two birds with one stone.

From the PARAGRAPHS section.
A well-formed paragraph will have three elements.

From the VOCABULARY section.
Complete these idioms by choosing the correct alternative.

From the VOCABULARY section.
See if you can pair off the words with the correct definition.

From the TEXT WORK section.
Verbs often express some kind of action. For this reason they can have a strong impact on a text.

From the TEXT WORK section.
A good story-writer needs to be able to master both of these styles.

From the TEXT WORK section.
Imagine that in the future you will be able travel enormous distances in a split second. One minute you are thinking about New York, the next minute you are there. What might a day be like?

From the TEXT WORK section.
Look at the video and write one of the texts.


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